Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Even more randomness.

My mind is going in thousands of directions at the same time today, so I'm just going to share in no particular order.

My youngest son "graduated" from his occupational therapy for his handwriting.  The therapist says that all he needs now is practice.  I hope she's right and we don't run into continuing issues with reversals but I am also relieved because this will free up several hours a week for me taking him to therapy. 

My oldest son passed his driver's permit exam yesterday.  When he first turned 16, he didn't really care about it, then he decided he was ready, then broke his ankle and that ordeal went on for months and then we went to test it and they told us that he'd actually get it sooner, because of Kentucky's graduated license laws, if he just waited until he was 18 and he would omit one of the 6 month waiting periods.  So that's what we did.  Now we just need to get him added to our insurance (there go groceries!) and try and teach him to drive. 

My daughter finished her hammock chair and my husband hung it up.  I'd share a picture but I don't have any with me since I'm posting from the library.  It's cool.  I would have loved to have one when I was her age.

School's going okay.

Work's going okay.

My foot still hurts and that's frustrating since I was planning to do a ton of walking once the weather got cooler.  I can really sympathize more with my son now with his 14 weeks of non-weight-bearing.  I would have been really grouchy, but then I would have still had a bunch of responsibilities that he does not have. 

I only have 2 minutes remaining of my library computer time so I'd better go.  I've got to go to Walmart, then it's off to pick up the kids and return them all back home ... sometimes I feel that I live in the van.


  1. That is so mom-like, the schedule and the frustrations.I love the drivers ed story - mimics our last daughters experience. Hang in there. Now mine are all gone and frankly sometimes I miss the craziness....sometimes : )

  2. Good luck with teaching your son to drive : ) It may turn out to be a blessing, He can run your errands for you.
    Best Wishes,
