Tuesday, October 05, 2010

New, new schedule thoughts.

It's always a balancing act around here, trying to get it all in.  I think I've pretty much given up on ever getting it all done in any given week, we just do the best we can.  I did go ahead and change my oldest son's math to every day at his request, I changed the chores so that each person has rotating daily chores, list A, list B, list C and so one day a kid might be doing a load of laundry, unloading the dishwasher and feeding the pets and the following day, he or she might be sweeping the living room, cleaning their room for 15 minutes -- you get the idea.  I personally think it will work better because they'll know what they need to do and not have to wait around for me to come home and tell them.   So now we'll see, with this system, if we get any closer to getting it all done with a minimum of whining.  That is the goal.

This is the view today out of my 'office' window, the den at my mom's house.

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