Thursday, October 07, 2010

I hate to speak too soon, but

I think the new schedule changes I made this week are working.  I haven't heard any math whining this week and the house is staying pretty clean and orderly - I mean, for our house.  The living room looks fine.  The bathroom is clean.  So theoretically, if someone stopped by to visit and then asked to use the bathroom, we'd be okay.  The kitchen is the type of mess probably only a homeschooling family would make it.  I thought about taking some pictures last night of the kitchen table which contains library books, nutrition unit study pages and a couple of science experiment balloons among other things -- a lot of other things.  :-P   Not to worry, today is cleaning day.  It should look okay by this evening.

Today is my day off and now with therapy cancelled for this afternoon, I'm looking at the whole day getting to participate in our homeschool!  I was thinking yesterday that I would have been so jealous of my kids if I had grown up with them - me in school and hating it and not having enough time to read and not enough library visits and they get to read a ton and go to the library about twice a week.  Wow.  To me, school was just an interruption of perfectly good reading time.  Actually, I think they feel the same way, but they have less actual hours of school due to not having to wait on everyone else to get done. 

I've actually been reading a bit myself again, nonfiction.  I go through phases of enjoying fiction and then sometimes I just don't.  Right now I'm reading Homeschooling A Family's Journey by Gregory and Martine Millman.  Very good reading so far.Homeschooling: A Family's Journey

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