Saturday, September 04, 2010

Supper in the crock pot again.

I've really been enjoying the A Year of Slow Cooking blog.  I was in and out of the house today, first going to work, then back in, the to go get my daughter at her birthday party and get a birthday present for my nephew and then to take my oldest son's friend back to his parents.  During one of my in the house times (5 minutes!) I threw in the ingredients for the Crockpot Layered Dinner.   The crock pot baked the potatoes, steamed the corn and made the steak wonderfully tender.  Now I feel like a magician or something, cooking 3 things at the same time, each perfectly well done, while driving my minivan up and down the road.


  1. I love crock pot cooking and do at least 3 meals a week in that manner. Especially on Sundays. So nice to come home from church to a wonderful smelling home, make a salad or something and dinner is ready.

  2. Anonymous7:19 AM

    Love, Love my slow cooker. I need to buy a new one, mine is on it's last leg.
    Thanks for the information on a new blog for slow cookers. I have three nights during the week I have to use the slow cooker or we wouldn't eat!!!
