Monday, September 06, 2010

Celebrating Labor Day ...

by working.  Both my husband and I are working this labor day.   Personally, the only holidays I take off are Thanksgiving and Christmas.  My husband sometimes even works on those days.  I'm at my Mom's house now, working using her faster internet, and I've left it up to my husband whether or not the kids have to do school today.  Obviously, the school system model of getting off for every holiday and a couple of weeks at Christmas and the summer too doesn't continue into the adult lives of most people, unless of course, they work for the schools.  We've got a birthday party later this afternoon, so even if they have to do some school, they get to party later and that should make up for it, right?

Our pumpkin crop.  Will it last until October without rotting?
The crock pot layered dinner from the other day.  Yum.

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