Saturday, September 04, 2010

Busy day.

My oldest son has a friend over today, my daughter has a birthday party for another friend that she's going to (although it's an outdoor pool party and its kind of cold today!) and I've got to work.  It's a shame we homeschoolers don't get out more, isn't it?  Seriously, my kids have some good friendships with some really great kids and I'm glad to take them where they need to go to see their friends. 

It's really cool today.  I think we're supposed to have a high temperature in the 70s with a low in the 50s.  Just being out in the cool air for a few minutes this morning made me start to crave chili.  Unfortunately, I haven't been able to make a good chili that I like now that I'm gluten free.  I had a very particular recipe that I really liked and the seasonings I used contained gluten, so now I'm going to have to do some experiments to see if I can make some good chili.   I do have a nice white chili recipe but it's not the same. 

I cannot believe how quickly the summer passed!  It may get warm again next week and if it does, we may head down to Rough River for a day trip.   I hope it doesn't stay cool.  As much as I like it, I would like to get a few more summer things done ...

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