Tuesday, September 07, 2010


I had to work today and I had to stop in the middle of work and take my mom to the doctor then come back, so I was about 3 hours later than usual getting done with work. When I did get home, I wasn't enthusiastic about doing school and neither were the kids.  We decided to combine the half day of work that they did yesterday and do a half day today and count them both as 1 day and basically, take the labor day holiday after all.  We did the minimum of school work then sat down to watch some episodes of Hoarders that I had recorded at my Mom's house.  Facinating stuff. It made me have the overwhelming urge to clean out my closet!   Now I have a great answer for my youngest when he asks "why do we have to clean?"  So we won't end up on a reality TV show!.  I've explained about neglecting housework and I've explained over and over and over that we can't keep everything but that show really illustrates the point in a very visual way.  It's kind of like a train wreck, you want to look away, but you can't!

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