Saturday, July 24, 2010

Okay, I did it.

I opened up my Rainbow Resource catalog and started looking through it.  So far, that's it.  I did fill out out a couple of blue cards to request that the library buy me a couple of things, but I haven't bought anything myself, I have not finalized any plans and I have no idea where to start. 

Is that progress?  Probably not. 


  1. Isn't that catalog overwhelming? I have not received my own copy yet but I browsed through a friends.

    Thanks for the book recommendation for gluten. My daughter is doing well adjusting to the changes. Ironically, all the changes I have made in my family over the past year have made this one simple. I feel like with a shopping guide and a good cookbook she will not have to suffer feeling left out from food celebrations. The most important thing is that she feels so much better!

  2. Hey, you are welcome. It's not so hard once you get in the habit of eating gluten free. I feel so much better too, so I know what she means!
