Monday, July 26, 2010

Another busy week.

This week the kids have VBS but since it's in the morning, I can drop them off and then come here to Mom's house to work using her high speed internet.  Then, I can go get the kids and come back here and continue to work.  I wish I could get it all done during the 3 hours while they're gone but I can't.   Still, I've got my dictionary back, I'm logged in as myself and there is work so I am definitely not complaining. 

I haven't really made much progress in planning school but I did make an extensive list of what I want the kids to learn and do this year.   It's probably way too much but some subjects I want extensive practice in (like math) and others we just need to touch lightly on to make sure they have some familiarity with them.  I'm also going to try and make sure that we have time this fall to do the rest of our adventure list and put in plenty of exercise and outdoor time.   I think I need to amp up the home-economics requirements too.  They all know how to do laundry and general cleaning, but they need to do more meal preparing and planning and a few other things.  They'll be so thrilled, but hey, they need to be able to do these things.  

Even if I don't have all of my plans in place, we'll get started, we'll add things as we go and drop off things that we get tired of or that don't work.  It'll be fine.  We'll probably start school on August 9. 

1 comment:

  1. I hear you about the busy. After this weekend, we will start to slow back down.
