Friday, July 23, 2010

So many ways ...

that my workday can go wrong.  It's Murphy's law in action around here this week.  The other day it was a virus that made me lose my dictionary.  Since that happened, I've had to stay logged in to my husband's administrator account or not be able to access the internet.  I can't access the internet as myself for some reason.  My husband did come over here and get the dictionary working, but I walked away from the computer for a few minutes this morning (because I had no work - another thing that can go wrong and will) and when I came back, I was no longer signed in as my husband and couldn't get anything to work.  I couldn't re-sign in as my husband because he does not trust me with any of his passwords.  So finally, I got logged in as a new user under a new profile that my husband made for me when the virus stuff happened and it seems to be working although I've had to go in and make all the adjustments to Microsoft Word that my company requires (not letting it make automatic changes to things like 1/2 and hyphen, not correcting words with numbers in them, not spell checking things that are all capitalized, etc.) and so anyway, it is 1:27, I have barely even begun to work and I'm already tired.

I hate Murphy's law.

Addendum:   Now it's 1:35 and I've discovered that since I can't sign on as my husband or myself, I've lost my spell check dictionary. 



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