Wednesday, July 28, 2010

July 28.

It's a busy week, but nothing compared to the summer reading week where we were only visiting our home occasionally, for 10 minutes at a time.  The younger two kids are having a great time.  The older one is just having a regular week, I guess.  He's teaching himself a programming language (unschooling!) called Python and making some games on the computer that are fun.  My daughter is almost finished with the beanbag chair and then the 20 year cleanup can begin.  I'll take a picture of the chair when it's completely done.   It's a good thing because Freckles seems magnetically attracted to that room and keeps going in there and coming out covered in styrofoam.  She came out the other day completely white with some even stuck to her eyeballs.  Eeek!   Unfortunately, I didn't think to take a picture of that and this is just a regular, sans styrofoam, picture of Freckie. 

In the back of my mind, I'm planning school.  I've come up with a start date and a list of potential subjects.  I'm thinking of rotating everything on a 2 week basis so I can get everything in.   I'll try and post more information on our schedule as it becomes more fully formed. 

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