Monday, June 07, 2010

So far ...

This summer break is going okay.  The pool is up and the kids (at least the ones who can walk) have been enjoying it quite a bit.  I enjoy watching them enjoy it.  I've been feeling kind of down since the memorial service the other day and watching the kids have fun, summertime activities, eating watermelon, it all helps.   My oldest's son's ankle is not getting better as fast as I had hoped.  He's still hobbling around and may get to progress to 1 crutch this week, but maybe not.  He's been having a lot of pain.   I really hope he gets better soon. This has been what, 8 or 9 weeks?  He had the surgery on April 2nd.  I know it's getting frustrating for him too, although he's been a really good sport about it.

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