Saturday, June 05, 2010

School's Out.

We finished our school year with the homeschool fair and book sale.  It was nice, but I didn't enjoy it as much as usual.  I didn't find the extremely good prices I sometimes find, I don't know, I just walked around and looked at everything, but I ddn't want any of it.  I don't know if it was just me?   I could not work up an interest in any of it.  I am acutely conscious that we are on the down-slope of homeschooling now.  This next year will be my oldest son's last year, my daughter's starting high school and my youngest will be in 7th grade.

It is going to be such a hot, hot summer.  I have to work at my Mom's (which I am not particularly happy about) and she turns her air conditioning off every night before she goes to bed and when I get there every morning, it's burning up.  If I turn the air on when I get there, it's starting to get cool before I leave.  Also, the air conditioner is out in our van completely and barely works in my husband's car. so I feel like I am burning up all the time.  We might get our pool up today, but it's not really practical to move my lap top into it and work, darn it. 


  1. What are you going to do at your Mom's? You sound a bit down... I know how tapping heat can be! We close for a whole month on Friday for our winter vacation. (Normally we only have 3 weeks off, but now with the World Cup, all schools - and even Parliament -will close for the duration of the world cup!)
    Right now I'm sitting behind my laptop and I'm freezing. Our winters are not cold enough to warrant central heating or air con, so we make do with portable heaters, but we've been out tonight, so no heaters have been switched on and boy, is the house cold! I wish we could trade a few grades Celcius!
    Did you sell your used homeschool books or go to a booksale? It sounds to me as if you still have several years of home schooling left with the younger two?

  2. It's so funny to think we're in summer and you're in winter! Yes, I wish we could trade a few degrees of temperature. It's 91 Fahrenheit here today and very humid.

    I didn't sell any books at the book sale, just browsed the ones other people had for sale. We're kind of nontraditional in the way we homeschool, so the books that were for sale this time just didn't fit my style, I guess.
