Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Shopping trip.

After work today, my daughter and I went on a shopping trip.   It took hours.  She needed a new bathing suit, not because she'd grown out of hers, but because it was wearing out.  She's worn the same one for at least 2 years.  It took hours to find that one too and it ended up being a combination of a tankini bottom from one store  and a swim shirt from another store.  She likes more coverage than most suits give.  I don't blame her, but I do not like to go shopping with her.  It's an ordeal.  We went to Target, The Gap, Old Navy, TJ Maxx, K-mart, Walmart, JC Penney's and the entire mall before finally coming back and settling for one that was not too bad at Penney's.  It's a one piece.  I sincerely hope she still likes it when it comes time to go to the pool in a couple of days.  Whew.  I'm tired now.

1 comment:

  1. Been there! It's tough shopping with daughters and even more so if it's for a swimsuit. Tammy's swimsuit is totally worn out - it's a lycra T-shirt with ski pants, but it is so stretched out with the lycra having disappeared into the chlorine of the pool where we do water aerobics. The shirt hangs to her knees - you can just imagine what it looks like! (And its rather see-through!) I have asked the mom to get Tammy a new swimsuit, but she says there just isn't money... but then she doesn't take Tammy to the pool, so she doesn't see the embarrassment! Tammy's worked hard this term, maybe I should take her shopping tomorrow and buy her a swimsuit of endurance lycra - that's all that will last in the gym's pool.
    Enjoy summer! The World Cup (Soccer) starts on Friday and this time its in S.A.! The whole country has soccer fever - we are really rugby people, but the fever is contagious and I'm pretty excited about it all.
