Thursday, June 03, 2010


Instead of watching the videos we were going to watch, we've done other things.  I've been letting youngest play UpWords this week instead of spelling, so we've been doing a lot of that.  The kids have been doing their school lists and I have working and trying to figure out what to do with myself.  This year that I have had seems to have thrown my life off kilter.  One of these days, I hope to get my sense of direction back. 

The youngest son has been playing a lot of board games and since no one will play with him, he is playing them by himself.  He has modified Monopoly to include the cannon shooting, the dog biting and the shoe stepping on opponents.  It sounds very interesting and very boy-like. 

I read this article in the New York Times news feed that amused me this morning, especially the last line.  It's about getting happier as we get older.

This is our last official day of school and then tomorrow we've got the book sale.   I haven't decided whether to drag my stuff down there and try to sell some of it or not.  Since my big boy is still on crutches, I can't get him to carry things for me and I don't know if the other 3 of us are up to carrying a bunch of books a long way, to not sell most of them and have to carry them all back.  Probably we'll just go shop and then try to sell our books at the local bookstore or Ebay. 


  1. I have been getting my stuff ready for e-bay too. My homeschool group has a curriculum sale every year, but e-bay is so much easier for me for the same reason, dragging and hauling stuff back and forth. Plus, if I go to a sale, I'm likely to buy more than I sale. LOL!


  2. I don't use any curriculum, but I think with a couple of them I may next's such a pain trying to create curriculum for 4 of them! Takes me forever!
