Monday, May 31, 2010

So, what are we doing this week?

We've got about 7 educational DVDs that we are going to watch and then we'll probably just do the basics each day to go with them. Then Friday, we will end our school year with the big homeschool book sale and homeschool fair.  I got a book about ACT math skills and I want my husband and my oldest son to go through that each day between now and June 12 when oldest takes the ACT.   He doesn't know what he wants to do for a living, whether he wants to go to a college or a technical school, so I figured getting him to take the ACT wouldn't hurt.  It's not diffcult to register as a homeschooler for this test, I just searched for ACT test and found out how to do it on my own.  The weird thing is the questions that they ask when you register.  The registration process has a lot of 'interest inventory' questions, which included, (I'm not kidding) whether or not my son likes to put things in boxes.  (?)   Anyway, we got him registered.   After this last week, we'll start our summer adventures list. 

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