Monday, May 17, 2010

A visit to the ankle specialist and other things.

The day finally arrived to go check up with the ankle specialist who did my son's surgery.  He said that he can start putting weight on it, but just a little at a time, so this week, he can rest his foot on the floor while he is sitting and next week, he can touch it to the floor a little bit when walking with the crutches (physical therapy will help with this).  It's going to take about 3-4 weeks before he can walk.  On the positive side though, he's getting really good on crutches. 

I got my stitches out today from my little accident 10 days ago.  The nurse who took them out asked if I wanted to KEEP them.  Now why would I want to keep them?  She said some people do.  This mystifies me.  I still haven't figured out what to do with the 8 x 10 glossy photos of the inside of my son's ankle joint, but at least those aren't gross, having been in my foot for 10 days.  Yuck.  My foot feels better with the stiches out.  They caught on things and hurt. 

After I got out of the doctor's office, I realized that I had left the car lights on and it was dead and wouldn't start.  I got out and headed back into the doctor's office to ask if someone would give me a jump but before I got far, a woman called out that she would help me and came over and jumped the car.  I was so grateful.  I'll have to remember to pay that forward.  What a relief not to have to ask and not to have to call anyone. 

Speakng of getting in touch with people ... if you are one of the people I regularly e-mail with, please be advised that my email is all kooky right now.  I'm switching computers and my laptop with all my stored addresses is at my mom's, I'm also switching internet providers so I will no longer be able to use my address.  I got G-mail but I don't really like it so far and may have to change that too.  Hey, change is supposed to be good, right.  (I still hate it.)

In other news, I finally got to watch the movie "The Blind Side".  It's very good.  I laughed and cried - a sure sign of a good one. 


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