Monday, May 17, 2010

Two things.

Today is the day that we go back to the ankle surgeon.  We've been telling everyone for weeks that we won't know anything until the 17th and now it's here.  I am hoping that the doctor lets him walk today but I kind of doubt it.  The physical therapist thinks he'll have to go to partial weight bearing.  I have no idea how that will work.  It sounds weird. 

Anyway, I've also got to go to Mom's and work today.  Yesterday it went really well, again and I got my work done really quickly.  I hope that is the new norm.  I've had such a hard time with my job lately so this is a very nice change. 

With the changes in my schedule,  we're not sure what to do about the kid's routines.  Youngest seems to think that if I'm gone from the house, he gets screen time.  We're trying to squelch that idea and tryng to set up new screen time rules and new Mom's routine rules, because normally I have to do my list before they do school and with me working in the mornings, I've not been getting that done.  Usually, on these issues though, if I wait a few days, the kids will come up with a workable solution, so I'll give them some time and we'll see.

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