Wednesday, May 19, 2010

One of these littlest pet shop pets

is not the same as the rest of them.  Can you guess which pet is different and what that difference might be?

While you are thinking about that, I'll blog about other things. Working at my Mom's house is going well, even though when I get up in the morning, I do not want to go over there and get started, I'm thrilled when I'm done and get to come home and have the rest of the day free. 

The kids are doing really well right now with getting their school work done on their own.  We even added in a little extra woodworking today because they helped me work on the kitchen island. Apparently, every person in the house is better than me when it comes to carpentry skills.  Oh well.  I've got one more board to saw and screw on and my island will be enclosed.  Then I'll paint it.  (I'm skilled enough for that part as long as I take it outside to minimize the mess!).  I'm still looking for a top for it.  Ikea has a reasonably priced one but it won't be reasonably priced if I have to drive to Cincinnati to pick it up and they won't ship it, so that's probably out.

Okay, did you guess about the pet?    This is the different one. 

My daughter designed it and hand sewed it without a pattern.  Pretty cool, huh? 

So, woodworking.   Check.
Home economics.  Check.

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