Saturday, May 15, 2010


It's weird not working at home.  I think, in the long run, it will probably be better, but I'm not fond of change in the short term.  Today I went over there and there wasn't enough work to keep me occupied for a full shift, so I left and went to the library where I had a book on hold and came home for a while, but then I'll need to go back and get the rest of it done.  That's going to annoy me every time it happens, I can see that right now, but that's life.  I've had to change my work hours, my  habits, my email etc.  I've realized that I can't work on some things I was going to work on this afternoon because the files are stored on my laptop, which is at Mom's.  I'm going to try next week to get an appointment to put this computer on my work system and bring my laptop home.  That will help quite a bit.  So anyway, I couldn't work on those files this afternoon so I worked on the house a little bit.  That's what I should have been doing anyway so that worked out.   

A funny story about the hold at the library, there was a note on my library computer file that said "Ask her if she's read Katie Fforde's latest book, The Wedding Season and if not, tell her that we have it now."  I thought that was fun, a personal book recommendation from someone who obviously knows what I like to read, on my library card file.  I don't know which librarian put the note on there, but I'd like to ask them if there are any other books they recommend.  :-)  I haven't read it yet and it might not be any good, so don't take this as a recommendation of the book.

Another library story happened today.  I saw The Dictionary of Cultural Literacy on the card catalog, but couldn't find it and asked the librarian about it.  Turns out they used to have it but sold it this week in the book sale.  Blah.  I wanted to look at it and see if it would be a good reference to buy and keep, but I don't want to buy it sight unseen.  Anyone know anything about this book?  It's by the same writer who wrote all the What Your _ Grader Needs To Know books.  Maybe I'll see one at the book sale in June.

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