Monday, May 31, 2010

That's over.

The service for Dad last night was every bit as bad as I expected. I'm sure to those who knew him only casually, it was a beautiful, funny memorial for a nice man, but to the family, who buried him 17 weeks ago, it was very difficult.  I cried and cried, great big hiccuping sobs .  It was a little odd because they had invited a singing group/quartet to come and sing after the dedication ceremony for the clock, so when these guys get up there to sing, they look over at the family and we're all still crying ... I know it had to feel weird to them but they did their mini concert very well (Dad would have really loved to hear them.) and I was able to calm down a little bit while they sang.  I am really glad that's over.   

Now, onto our last week of homeschooling this year!

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