Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Ordinary Days.

We've been having some kind of ordinary, nothing to write home about kind of days.  It's been nice.  Since I am working at Mom's house where there is not only cable internet but cable TV, I've been recording some Mythbusters for our family to watch.  We've enjoyed those.  We also have been looking for a dog for Mom, to keep her company.  We've got a chihuahua that is going to come on a trial basis.  The owner wants her back if it doesn't work out  Mom's never really had a dog before, so I'm not sure how tolerant she'll be of it, or if she'll enjoy it or not.  It's an experiment.  If it works out, the dog will have a home and Mom will have company.

The kids are doing school on their own.  I see them doing it.  I know they're not skipping it.  Last night, 2 of them didn't get done in time and grounded themselves.  I didn't know anything about it at all until a couple hours later when my daughter commented about hating being grounded.  It was so funny, such a weird feeling.  They didn't ask for extra time, whine or bed, they just grounded themselves.  I really have them well trained at this point.

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