Thursday, May 27, 2010

Not sure.

I'm not sure what I'm going to do today.  It is my day off, but I'm not as over-the-top optimistic about what I'm going to get done as I was last week.  Today, I got up feeling achy all over and that makes me feel like I won't accomplish much today.  I took some Tylenol, but we'll see.  Ideally, I'd like to get my kitchen island done, do some cleaning and also do something fun today but it is hard to do a lot when you hurt all over.  I feel like my pre-gluten-free days, but I am pretty sure I haven't taken in any gluten.  As far as I know I haven't even had anything questionable, so maybe it's unrelated. 

Thankfully, the kids did get finished with school yesterday and so did not have to ground themselves last night.

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