Monday, May 24, 2010

10 More Days of School.

It wouldn't really bother me if we went year round the way things have been going. The kids are doing their schoolwork pretty much on their own.  I think they're ready to have a break though.   I'm pretty sure that the next couple of weeks are going to be pretty easy.  I know that the public schools have a pretty easy time of it the last couple of weeks.  We have some Biology DVDs that we've borrowed and need to return so we'll watch those and whatever educational things come from Netflix.  I've recently found out that I could set up profiles in Netflix and had the idea of setting up an account for the parents, the kids and the school and that way it would be more balanced, when we'd get things, but I haven't really set that up yet.  Our internet at home is so slow and when I'm at Mom's I'm usually working then rushing home to do something else.  For example, today, oldest son has physical therapy this afternoon.   That is winding down though and soon will be a memory.

So the way I visualize the summer is me working in the mornings, then doing at least of one of the spring cleaning chores (No they didn't get done this spring!  Have you met me? Okay, well some of you haven't, but you should know by now that I procrastinate about cleaning, plus, I have had a very busy, kind of crappy in many ways, spring.)  and then working on our carpentry projects, getting in our pool, going to the city pool or going on some of the adventures from our mini-adventure list.  I should probably make the kids do at least one math problem a day, but I probably won't.  I do remember the pure, wonderful joy of getting up in the morning and having nothing you have to do.

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