Thursday, May 27, 2010

It's funny.

How I just get up in the morning and have no idea what I'm going to do that day.  I'm random.  It is based on how I feel and my mood.  I've been struggling with fibromyalgia/chronic fatigue for years and that has influenced a lot of my planning.  I have always had to plan time for a nap in my day.  Lately, I've been doing the gluten free thing and it has helped, at least decrease the pain and fatigue.  I often take a short 1/2 hour nap, but nothing like the 2 hour marathon ones I used to have to take.  This year, also, with the loss of my Dad, a lot has depended on my mood.  For a long time after the funeral, I just could not bring myself to get up and clean.  Now I am doing better.   I didn't get anything done on the kitchen island today, but I did get quite a bit of cleaning done.  We did end up getting my Mom that dog, a chihuahua.   It's on a trial basis, for this weekend.  If Mom decides she doesn't want the dog, the lady will take her back.  We'll see how it goes.  I don't think it's going to work out, but then I didn't think Freckles would work out.  I guess I've gotten kind of pessimistic in my old age? 

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