Saturday, May 22, 2010

Trying to work on an attitude of gratitude.

This weekend my husband took off work to get some things done, but nothing, absolutely nothing went right for the things he wanted to do and he didn't get them done.  Meanwhile, the sink sprayer and the air conditioning in the house stopped working and his desk chair broke.  So even though he's had time off work this weekend, he still needs to fix the air conditioning in the van and the brakes on his truck because he spent the whole time working on things that weren't broken when he scheduled the time off.  It seems like we just can't win lately. 

I decided today to start trying to cultivate an attitude of gratitude be thankful for what we do have.

1.  We have a new sink sprayer.
2.  We have an air conditioned house.
3.  We have furniture.
4.  We have a van and a truck and also a station wagon (and they do run ... although one of them won't stop. ;-P).

1 comment:

  1. I am thankful for the time I got to spend with you yesterday :) I understand these type of situations with the house and cars. It is good to practice that attitude of thanksgiving. We truly are blessed but sometimes we have to remind ourselves of that situation.
