Monday, March 08, 2010

At long last.

Tomorrow my son sees the specialist about his ankle. Maybe this will be the one who fixes it. I hope so. I went today to get his CAT scan and x-rays from the other doctors. I enjoyed my time out a little bit and got my hair cut as well. It looks okay. After doing all that, I went to Kroger the pick up some gluten free baking mix (which they didn't have in the neighboring town) and on the way out after my wasted trip, stepped in a min-pothole and fell, twisting my ankle and hurting my wrist (slightly). So I'm a little sore and stiff right now. Maybe that will help me be more sympathtic towards my son?

In other news, if you are going to enter the drawing for the SpellQuizzer, be sure and comment on that post so you can get your name in the hat! We'll draw the name out on Thursday.

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