Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Another frustrating trip to a specialist.

This ankle specialist (I was afraid he was going to say, something like 'oh, it's your right ankle, sorry, I'm a left ankle specialist'!) needs an MRI done and he put the boy in a cast/boot kind of thingy that the boy HATES, so that's fun. I wonder how much extra money we've spent because the Immediate Care Clinic missed this fracture!! So now we're going to have to get the MRI done (locally, thank goodness) and then call back for ANOTHER appointment. Joy.

(I'm kind of crabby, it doesn't show does it?)

1 comment:

  1. Come to our Sundae and Game party. You will feel better :)

    Again I can empathize with your situation and specialists, and medical imaging, and non-answers.

    We are praying for your family.
