Monday, March 08, 2010

We interupt this school year ...

That's what the theme of our school year has been so far. Today, I've got to go pick up a copy of my son's CAT scan and x-rays to take him to the specialist tomorrow. Last week I had to go and pick up my mom's CAT scan and x-rays and I have to take her to her 2 specialists on the 25th. Fortunately, the kids are pretty well trained to do their work on their own and my husband is available most of the time during the day, if I have to run off somewhere, to, um, remind them do it. They have been known to completely forget, conveniently, that they need to do school.

My husband and the kids got quite a bit of work done this weekend, unfortunately, none of the top 5 things I would have liked them to have gotten done, but work done, nonetheless. They got pot holes filled in the driveway. My husband promised the kids a bonfire cookout with hot dogs and marshmallows as a reward for helping and so we did that last night. That's one of the benefits of living in the wilderness, we can build a bonfire in the front yard and no one cares. Today, when I get back, I hope to get our biology done because I have been slacking off on that.

I'm still reading "A Perfect Mess" and it mentioned Alexander Fleming and the discovery of penicillin, which wouldn't have happened if Fleming hadn't left his lab in a mess. It makes me feel better about my boy's room. :-)

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