Wednesday, March 10, 2010

One thing.

One thing was positive about the visit with the specialist yesterday. He asked my son about PE and we said he was homeschooled and that usually he would do an hour outside for PE everyday but lately he's been grounded by this ankle and has been lifting weights instead. The doctor was very positive about homeschool and said that homeschoolers "do very well", which is true, but it's nice not to be looked at like weirdos or asked "what about socialization?" or the other most common response "I could never do that, I don't have the patience!" (Believe me, homeschooling takes a lot less patience than public school homework!)

Anyway, that was a nice change.


  1. If it is a stress fracture, it is very difficult to find on normal x-rays but should have been caught on the CAT scan. My daughter had a stress fracture and it took us two visits to the minor care clinic to have that conveyed. I'm a medical transcriptionist and know how easy a stress fracture is to not be caught by plain x-rays. Usually an enhanced set or CAT scan or MRI will catch them but usually a stress fracture is so minute that it is difficult to see at all. I was told when I sprained my wrist in college by the doctor that he was hoping I had a hairline fracture as opposed to a bad sprain since the hairline fracture oould be detected and fixed quicker than a sprain or a stress fracture could.

    Anything that messes with our feet is not a good thing. Hope your son gets better.

    I happened on this blog accidentally as I'm looking to get in with the homeschool sector with my books. Not sure how old your children are but if you are needing some geography books to supplement learning about the United States a little, I have a series I started and within the next 12-14 years should have all of the books published, but it will be slow going since there are 50 states and my publisher can only put out so many books a year. I also have supplemental study guides for the books available. If interested, just check out my website (I have a free activity booklet that is available for anyone to download and use the activities to supplement learning as well). Hope your son's ankle gets better soon. E :)

    Elysabeth Eldering
    Author of the Junior Geography Detective Squad, 50-state, mystery, trivia series
    STATE OF WILDERNESS, now available
    STATE OF QUARRIES, now available
    STATE OF RESERVATIONS, coming April/May 2010
    STATE OF ALTITUDE, coming May/June 2010

  2. I hate the "I don't have the patience" one the most. I don't have the patience to listen to that any more. Hee hee!

    Hope the ankle heals quickly!
