Friday, February 05, 2010

We did.

We ventured out to go skating last night and we went to a recreation center today and had a good time. Our lives are gradually resuming. I guess it's what we need to do, but it feels kind of weird. I think Reba McIntire said it best when she said "I guess the world didn't stop for my broken heart." Life goes on when you would expect it to just stop or something. I don't know.


  1. Hang in there friend. Praying for you, May Gods comfort and peace surround you and bring you healing. Things will get better soon. Glad you enjoyed your day. Have a great weekend. :)

  2. I'm so sorry to hear that you lost your dad, Dana. I'm very glad that you have your family and your blogging as an outlet for your emotions at this time. Both of my parents passed away 10 years ago and I can say that time has helped me cope with my loss. I hope the same for you and I pray that you'll always be comforted in knowing that God has ultimately defeated death and that our pain in not eternal. Only his love is.


  3. I think you did the right thing, too. It helps to not wallow in your grief and right now, 2 hours in the car is a lot of time. One hour alone and if you were like me, you wouldn't have even been able to go in the building.

    We buried my dad a year ago today. Time does help. The "I wish dad could be here to see this" will always be there, but more and more I'm happy he's healed and happy.

    Praying for you.
