Thursday, February 04, 2010

Day 6.

I'm hanging in here.  I just had a big tearful session in the shower and while doing laundry because that's what I do if I'm not reading, blogging, watching TV - basically whenever I have a minute to think.  We've accepted condolences from the UPS driver today.  He apparently made deliveries to Mom and Dad's house frequently.  Yesterday my Mom got a huge stack of cards in the mail.  The one that was the most touching to me was from Dad's eye doctor.  My Dad was facing going blind from macular degeneration, bravely and with a sense of humor.  His doctor wrote how touched he'd been by Dad's charm and optimism and how much of an honor it was to treat such a man.  The man who delivered Dad's oxygen supplies cried in my Mom's arms yesterday.  Mom has been a trooper, surprising me with her strength.  Her brother and sisters have surrounded her and are taking good care of her.

My husband and kids are distracting themselves with Wii Sports Resort, something they've been saving for and bought this week.  It's been a God-send.

I'm trying to decide whether to take the kids skating tonight as usual or attend a leadership team meeting with the big homeschool group I am a part of.  I should go to the meeting, but I'm not sure I can face an hour in the car, each way, thinking.  (I wouldn't have my kids with me as a welcome distraction.) 


  1. Praying for you and your family

  2. So sorry to hear of your loss. Praying for you and your family. HUGS.

  3. I am so sorry for your loss. Sending hugs and prayers for you all.
