Saturday, February 06, 2010

Working this weekend.

I'll be working this weekend, trying to make up at least a little bit of the time I lost during the last 2 weeks. I really am getting so tired of medical transcription and want to find another job, in another field, but I'd still like to work at home. Not too tall an order is it?

Thanks everyone for the supportive comments on my blog. I really appreciate each one of you.


  1. Dear Cat
    What does a medical transciptor do? Do you work at home at the moment? I pray that you will find a job that is really fulfilling, interesting and.. lucrative! Are you sure about the job at home though? Going out to work is tiresome (and expensive), but at least it is a change of environment and hopefully company and that is not such a bad thing. Tammy' mom has been working from home now for the past 6 months, and it's great to have her company when we have breaks - otherwise my job might have become pretty lonesome. I travel 50km to Tammy's house every day and some days I only see her. The comuting takes up a lot of energy (and time) and I don't make time for friends and socialising. I realise I might be very sorry about this one day!
    Don't cut out socialising out of your life - even if its just job related. Colleagues can be irritating, but they are a distracion and can be real friends too. Hang in there - I wish there was something I could say or do to help ease the pain of the loss of your dad. He must have been a very special man as the delivery man and eye doctor said.

  2. I do work at home. I transcribe reports that doctors dictate by listening to what they say and typing it into a report form. I don't think I isolate myself. I'm out and about with the kids most days and I have a lot of friends here and there.

    I hope your prayers are answered that I'll find something lucrative. ;-)

    Thanks for being so supportive of me on my blog and yes, my Dad was a very special man.
