Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Okay. One.

We got a day of school done yesterday. We did school despite the snow. We've dealt with going from being ahead before Christmas to being behind now, but hey, that's life. We did do the Great Backyard Bird Count this weekend, so that's something I guess. I saw a red bellied woodpecker at the feeder again this morning, but did not get a picture (this one's from google). I can't figure out why they're called red bellied when they actually do not have a red belly, but a red head?

For our count we saw
2 Dark-eyed Juncos
5 Tufted Titmice
1 Black Capped Chickadee
2 Northern Cardinals
1 Red Bellied Woodpecker and
1 White Breasted Nuthatch.

We also saw a bird we tentatively identified as a warbling vireo but since we weren't sure, we couldn't list that on the count. 

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