Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Watch out!

Someone should have told my family to watch out for me today.  I've been so grouchy.  The thing is, my husband went to the grocery on the way home from work and the kids are willingly doing their schoolwork and are almost done and I have nothing to be grouchy about and yet I am. 

Is this a component of grief?  Stress? 

I hope this part of it passes quickly and I'm sure those around me do too.


  1. Are you eating well? Have you had enough sleep? Some time with the Lord? These are all components I have to evaluate when I am grouchy. Sometimes, it helps point out something. Sometimes, I just need to take a walk. Yes, it could be part of grieving, but maybe not.

    It is good to hear that the children are doing what you need them to do and I will gladly have someone else do my shopping for me!

  2. I remember feeling angry after a recent's one of those "stages".


  3. I hope you are feeling better. (((hugs)))
