Tuesday, February 02, 2010


I'm doing okay today, not exactly good, but at this point, I'll take "okay".  I've been watching season 1 of NCIS, which is nice and distracting, so that's good.  I also worked last night, which wasn't distracting enough and left me entirely too much time to think, so that was bad, and I have to work again tonight.  We're not doing school right now and I don't know when we'll start again.  Fortunately, we have some leeway, since the state says we have to do 180 days of school and there are 365 days in the year.  We'll get it done.  Eventually.


  1. Thats ok. You need to take time to heal. Everything will come together in time. Keeping you in my prayers. Hang in there!

  2. I am so very sorry and wish you peace.
