Thursday, October 01, 2009


My husband and I both are having job difficulties right now. His company restructured and he got a terrible shift when the new shifts were handed out. It's really been hard on him this week. I mentioned in my last post that I'm kind of tired of my job. I've been doing it for 16 years now and I'm tired, tired, tired of it. Lately with this new account I'm on, it's gotten much worse. They are so picky and so impatient with us trying to learn this new, very difficult account. All of us transcriptionists have slowed down as we are trying to learn new doctors, new hospital terms (they have different names for departments and policies), report types we've not had to do for 8 years (operative notes!) and new place names. Today is supposed to be my day off and I had a full day planned, but then I got an email from my supervisor saying that everyone had to do 15 jobs today on this account, no exceptions. Goodbye day off.

I'm annoyed, can you tell?

P.S. I have applied for a job blogging for a web site. Please cross your fingers that I get it. It's something I'm very enthusiatic about!

1 comment:

  1. Jack has had to change jobe 3 times in the past two months. ARGH.

    Saying a prayer about the new job!
