Friday, October 02, 2009

Finally Friday, Going to the Grocery and Trying To Think Around a Headache.

I don't really know why I care if it's Friday. I'm supposed to have Saturdays off so I kind of have a weekend, but not really, and I probably won't get this Saturday off. The girl and I went to the grocery today and when we got back, the boys had finished school, all except group time, which we probably won't do today. We watched another episode of the Ancient Discoveries DVD and that can be our science/group time. It's exactly what we've been studying, Archimedes, Heron of Alexandria, etc.

So anyway, my daughter and I, and my headache (which is so much a part of my life now that I think I might name it), went to Goodwill and the grocery. At Goodwill, she got a sweater for her Ginny Weasley costume. I'm going to try and talk my youngest into dressing like Will, the Ranger's Apprentice. That should be fun. At the grocery we ran into a fellow foster mom and her babies make me want to have a baby around (but at the same time, I don't know), then I ran into another mom who used to homeschool but who is not at the current time and then a woman from my church and then another friend's Dad, so in and around my headache, I'm having all different kinds of thoughts today, how I'd like to see my friend whose Dad I saw maybe we can do lunch soon, how I hope my kids don't want to stop homeschooling, because I don't want to stop, but mostly, my thoughts are turning towards taking a nap in the hopes that it will make my headache better, since Tylenol is certainly not touching it.

By the way, going to the grocery somehow manages in my mind anyway, to count as housework and exercise (hey, it's a big store!) so I'm done with my list for today. Go me!

1 comment:

  1. My doctor suggested to me when I have one of those nasty can't get rid of type headaches to take three advil - It has saved me many times when I had a migraine brewing.... Just a suggestion.
    Hope your headache subsides for you soon!
