Thursday, October 01, 2009

After a while

The quiet, peaceful days at home get kind of boring.  I'm ready to get out and do something today.  We've got skating tonight and we'll probably stop by the library on the way, although I can't say that I really need books, I've got several to read, but I've been watching things on DVD instead.  Yesterday from Netflix, we got Doing DaVinci and Ancient Discoveries 2.  We watched one of the Ancient Discoveries shows and counted it for school, then watched a Da Vinci or 2, although we're not studying him right now in the story of science, we'll be there in a few weeks.  We also got Season 2 of 24, but I'm not entirely convinced I want to watch it.  If I start it, I'll have to finish it and then that's 24 hours of my life I'll never get back, you know? 

I also downloaded a book writing software program and I've been kicking around ideas for a novel.  At one time I thought I'd write a nonfiction book on How to be a medical transcriptionist, but the truth is, I really don't enjoy my work anymore and writing that was tedious.  I got started, but I didn't get beyond maybe 1000 words.  Who knows, writing a fiction novel will probably get tedious too, but at least I am not dealing with medical language and having to look up how to spell words.  Seriously, after 16 years of doing this now, I still have to look up things every single day.  Can you tell I had a frustrating work day yesterday?  At 10:00 p.m. last night, I downloaded a 20 minute infectious disease consult that took a long, long time to type. (Average it takes a transcriptionist 3 minutes of typing per minute of dictation.)  I finally finished at 11:45 p.m.  I had to look up all the tick borne illnesses, several I hadn't heard of. 

I really need to get started today, on my exciting cleaning and exercise, although this year, so far, I have managed to avoid the promise to the kids that if I don't get my work done they don't have to do theirs.  :-)   I still do need to do it. 

1 comment:

  1. I would be scared to make that promise to my kids! I never seem to get my work done but I am always busy and certainly do not while away time playing games or reading for hours. I think the basic problem is my list is bigger than my abilities!
