Monday, October 12, 2009


We're working on prioritizing as a concept in our homeschool this week. I rearranged the lists, as I mentioned this morning, just a little bit. I put 4 things at the top in bold and I have requested that they do these first. These include taking a shower and the most basic school subjects, language arts and math (different for each child). My youngest today did everything else and left all four of the bold print things for last. Somehow I don't think he's getting the concept? The other 2 did the academics but left their showers until last. I told them that the reason I want things done this way, is so that I can schedule things in the afternoons and not worry that school will not be done because the basics will be covered first and also if they're showered and dressed for the day, if an opportunity to do something comes up, we can just go. Since they have outside recess time and they don't want to shower before it (which makes sense) we've compromised to going out in the morning and trying to have showers done by 2 o'clock. We'll see how it goes. It's a never-ending balancing act, trying to balance their needs and preferences with mine, outside opportunities and events. As homeschoolers we are more in charge of our schedules than ever before without the school system demanding they be there at 8:30 a.m. but sometimes its a little difficult to figure out exactly how to manage it. It's a process.

P.S. The skip counting went well and they enjoyed it.

P. S. S. My youngest just came to me and announced "Tomorrow, I'm going to do my priorities FIRST." What an interesting concept. :-0

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