Tuesday, October 13, 2009


 I'm not sure how the word 'hack' has come to mean what it seems to currently mean, but lately I've been enjoying reading some of these sites with hack in the title. 

Life Hacker  - Love the article on the Top 10 Reminder Tools for Forgetful Minds and this one Google Search Tricks.

Ikea Hacker - See what people do with Ikea products.  These people are thinking outside the box.

Study Hacks - Looks interesting.  I haven't had time to read much of it yet, also Student Hacks - I ran across this one looking for math helps.

Parent Hacks.

There used to be one called Homeschool Hacks, but I can't get the page to load so I don't know if it still exists?

Making things easier seems to be the them.  Hey, we could all use that.

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