Monday, October 12, 2009

Back to our version of normal I guess.

Working, schooling, whining.  We've got it all going on this morning.  Youngest son is whining because I took away a couple of his chores and added in skip counting to his routine.  He does not want to do skip counting.  I'm not sure why he thinks he's going to hate it so much, but he's going to have to do it.  I'm tired of the younger 2 kids looking up everything on the multplication charts.  I thought after a couple of years of doing that, memorizing the times tables would kind of happen, but it hasn't, so we're going to skip count.  He'll just have to deal with it.   This week we'll do 4s and next week 6s and so on.  They already know the 2s, 3s and 5s. 

We're also doing a new fitness routine around here.  It's based on a book called The 90 Second Fitness Solution and supposedly, it takes 90 seconds a day to stay fit.  I'm not stopping their go outside and play time though, just adding this in.   I'm doing it myself too. 

Here's an interesting article I read this morning on more school hours.  No Longer School Days.  I thought the comments were thought-provoking too.  If the school days made it more convenient for parents who have to do day care in the mornings and afternoons, it might be a good option for some people.  Maybe some kind of choice in how much or how little you enroll your child would be good?  Some kids could go just mornings and get the basics and some could stay until their parents got off work and participate in more extra-curricular type things.  I guess choice would be key.

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