Sunday, October 11, 2009

Busy busy weekend.

It's drawing to a close now, I've just got to work 4 hours before I sleep, but it's been a busy one.  We've had family from out of town visiting.  I met one of my nieces for the first time.  She's 23, so I'm a little late in meeting her.  :-)

Anyway, now that the busy-ness is over, I'll kind of be glad to stay home, do school and clean tomorrow. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow! How exciting to meet a new (old) niece! Hope tomorrow slows down for you.

    I hope it was okay I used your e-mail address for Violet's candy and nut sales. I should have asked first but I just got behind, then I was rude and used it anyway. You should only get the one e-mail.
