Wednesday, September 30, 2009

A few days with not too much planned.

These are the kinds of days I love.  The weather's nice, the sun is out and we don't have a lot on the calendar.  Yesterday, I got to play 2 games of UpWords, my favorite.  The first was against my daughter, who has only played a couple of times before.  I gave her a 100 point head start and then she only beat me by about 20 points.  Then later, I played a game against my parents and my Dad beat me by about 3 points.  It was a very close game with all 3 participants within 9 points of each other.  I love a good close game.

We're trying to finish The Story of Science, book 1 as soon as possible, because it's now officially overdue at the library.  I am going to read a big section of it today so maybe we can take it back tomorrow.   I'm looking for clip art to help with the notebooking a little bit, make it a little bit faster, so we can study more in one day.  Sometimes these notebooking pages take a long, long time. 

Above, these are the crazy morning glories that have overtaken a big section of our yard, growing and wrapping themselves around my husband's old bike.  They're so pretty, yet so invasive!  I think I'll probably just concede this whole area of the yard to them and put my garden someplace else! 

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