Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Kind of in a daze.

I'm kind of in a daze today. My fever broke last night but I could not sleep and finally took a benadryl about 3:00 a.m. Big mistake. Huge. So, I was sleeping away soundly at 11:00 o'clock this morning when my husband came in the house and started the house dogs yapping and woke me up. I was very, very groggy. I made my way to the kitchen and made coffee and then found my way to my computer to get my email while drinking it. Then, after a little while, my daughter asked when we needed to leave for the field trip. Eeek! Half an hour!!!!! Not one of us had been in the shower yet. I jumped up and grabbed some DayQuil and then got in the shower, ASAP. Somehow we made it, on time and had a great planetarium visit. We really enjoyed it. However, I haven't felt like I've had my head on quite right all day. It kind of feels like it's floating ... which is not as pleasant as it sounds. I think maybe I should have checked the expiration date on that DayQuil.

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