Monday, August 31, 2009

Still with the cold, school, etc.

I don't believe it is as bad today. I still feel a little bit crappy. I was going to say I thought my temp was down but then I checked it and it's still 101, so maybe not. We did school anyway today. We've gone back to the first of the History of Science books because the second one needed to be returned to the library and also because the second one had made us want to hear about Aristotle - so we're reading the first one, then we'll finish the second one. I didn't do it that way on purpose, I saw the second one at the library and thought it was self-contained in 1 volume, checked it out, got started, then realized that I had volume 2 of 3. We started the dreaded math today with the younger 2 kids, but it started with review so no one was too intimidated and it wasn't too bad.

I'm still looking for a quote for my living room wall. Here are some I like.

"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing." Helen Keller

There are two ways to live: you can live as if nothing is a miracle; you can live as if everything is a miracle.” Albert Einstein

I'd like to find a good quote about family but I haven't found one yet.

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