Wednesday, September 02, 2009

My head and other things.

My head seems to be at least semi-attached today. That does not mean that I will have great thoughts today, it just means that I don't feel like I'm leaving it behind every time and move around, just sometimes.  Its a very good thing.   It's progress anyway.   I do still have a fever today, but it's slight, 99.1.  I thought I was fever-free yesterday and ventured out.  I hope I didn't spread the germs around any!  I did keep using hand sanitizer and coughed into my elbow! 

I think we're going to venture out again today.  We need to pick up my daughter's fair entry from the 4H office.  I also need to go to the library and pick up a book I've got on hold. 

I've come to the realization that I'm probably going to have to tweak my list (again!).   I thought I'd just do my chores while the kids were doing theirs but I'm not doing all that well and the house has gotten awful because it's been neglected through the fair and through the illness.  I'm going to have to add more total cleaning time and probably going to have to make the kids doing school contingent on my getting my chores done.  I hate to have to do that, but there is my lack of motivation staring me in the face again ...

I want a clean house.
I just don't want to clean house.

I think I should make that into a T-shirt.

1 comment:

  1. That is a T Shirt I would buy! My blog is not going private for personal reasons, but rather to keep a few people I know personally from reading it :-)
    You're welcome to continue reading it if you want.
