Thursday, August 27, 2009

Back to routine and decisions.

We're back to school today.  We're all working on our lists and somehow I've got to try and figure out how to get to the grocery too?  Not sure when I'm going to work that in.  My oldest is out of his lactose free milk and feels that this is an emergency, but I really think the groceries otherwise could wait until tomorrow at least.  I've barely cooked at all this week so I have a lot of food that could be cooked.  I may just stop on the way home from mom's night and grab some milk for him.  I hate to go in there though and not get everything but I might. 

Another decision I'm trying to make this week involves wall quotes.  Are you all familar with these?  One of the blogs I follow, got me interested in them and now I seriously want one for my living room wall, but I can't decide on the quote I want.  I've been looking for days. 

After the year I've been throughI'm thankful that the decisions I have to make today are so very minor.   I'll squeeze it in somewhere.  Right now, I'm going to have a BLT and then do science and grammar.


  1. We had BLTs for dinner tonight too. With corn on the cob. Yum.

  2. BLT!! Yum... and I have some of the best tomatoes in my garden.
