Friday, August 28, 2009

Another day, another BLT.

I'm really on a bacon and tomato kick this week.  That's all I want to eat.  I did decide to go to the grocery last night after mom's night.  I needed more bacon.  :-)  I figure it's just this one time of year, when the tomatoes are ripe and hopefully it won't do my arteries any permanent damage. 

We're doing school today and then my brother has offered to take us to a movie, so we'll probably go see G-Force this afternoon.  Our school has been a little field-trip heavy so far, but hey, we've got to do them when we can!  I know the public schools sometimes do movies as field trips because our homeschool group have done tag-along field trips with them. 

I guess we'd better get started today.  Science and grammar are still going well, we still haven't started math although the final math book arrived yesterday, so we might today ... nothing like waiting to decide is there?