Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Another Fair Day.

We had exhibitor tickets (free!) so we went back to the fair today. Since it was our second day and we'd already seen a bunch of the shows, we mostly walked around and looked at the exhibits. We did see one show, a border collie exhibition that lasted 12 minutes. Of course we had to ride the escalators 3 or 4 times and the shuttle 3 times, those are necessities with my kids, at least the younger 2. We also did the midway for a while, which I kind of regretted, because it's expensive and really hot, but then the kids said that one of the rides they rode was the most fun thing they'd ever been on, so I guess I no longer regret it. I did think I might get heat stroke there for a while, but I survived. Anyway, we had fun.

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